
What is rosacea?

Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition, not caused by bacteria. Why and how the condition emerges, however, is still unclear. It is suspected that the mechanisms that control the functioning of the blood vessels in the facial skin, in some way initiate the inflammation.

Rosacea affects approximately 10% of the adult population. The condition is most common in women, 30-40 years old, of Nordic descent.

The condition develops in steps and there are several symptoms, manifesting in combination or separately. Most common is to experience a sense of heat in the skin, continuous redness, sensitive skin and superficial blood vessels. Small, red bumps may also form, as well as pustules, often leading to rosacea being mistaken for acne or seborrhoeic dermatitis. The difference is that in rosacea there are no blackheads, which are common if you have acne.

Another distinctive feature is that rosacea flares up in the central parts of the face - cheeks, nose, chin and forehead - while acne can be located anywhere. Sun, alcohol, hot drinks, spicy food and stress may worsen the condition.

Untreated rosacea may lead to the disorder Rhinophyma, ”bulbous nose”, due to hypertrophy in the sebaceous glands.

If you suspect that you have rosacea, you should contact a dermatologist to be diagnosed. If you are then prescribed medication (tetracycline/antibiotics) for this, you can combine them with our products.

What to avoid

Anything that increases the blood flow to the surface of the skin may trigger a worsening of your rosacea. Some examples of this are spicy food, hot drinks, sunlight, hot and cold temperatures, irritants/chemicals (common in skincare), alcohol and stress. Dairy products, sugar and white flour are also recommended that you avoid.

These aggravating factors may not be present for some rosacea patients. However, you should always be cautious of excessive sunbathing, since this will worsen all rosacea.


Products from MARIA ÅKERBERG contain gentle, natural ingredients, well suited to use if you have rosacea.

Remember that rosacea is a skin condition, not a skin type. Rosacea affects different skin types, which is why you should always take your basic skin type into consideration when choosing skincare products.

Olive Cleansing is a cleansing cream with Olive Oil, for dry, sensitive and mature skin.

Serum Antirouge is calming and strengthens the vessels.

Face Protection is a facial cream that eases and tones flushed skin down. Suitable for both dry and sensitive skin.

If you want a treating facial mask,, Face Balm is to prefer.

Vill du behandla med en ansiktsmask så är Face Mask Clearing att föredra.

The cleansing cure, At Home Treatment Clearing, is recommended when rosacea flares up..


The products from MARIA ÅKERBERG only contain natural raw materials that work together with the skin, rather than oppose it. The natural ingredients are easily absorbed by the skin and affect the tissue underneath. MARIA ÅKERBERG strives to strengthen the skin in a long-term and natural manner, instead of just easing the problems temporarily.

You will get more specific advice, regarding which products you should use, during the skincare consultation that you can book with one of our retailers. The retailers are trained in skin conditions and in our concept, Deepskin Organics, and can thereby determine which of our products suit you and your skin best.

When not to use products from MARIA ÅKERBERG

If you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

All facial products from MARIA ÅKERBERG are excellent to use in cases of rosacea - except for the most active products (Face Lotion Supplement, Night Balm, Royal Facial Oil Supplement and Foaming Wash Clearing).

It is very important that you follow your skin therapist’s recommendations in order to achieve the best results possible. If you have any questions, please contact your retailer.

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